Economics-Crystal F.-Mr.K

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Disparity in wealth does exist and it is a major concern.
First of all, disparity of wealth, is when the "gaps in wealth between the rich and the poor and between whites and minorities widens."
It has been named a "massive maldistibution" of wealth and has considered to have "severly weakend U.S. political institutions and democracy."
It has been traced back to President Reagan, who "sold a political philosophy blending antigovernmentism, deregulation, and tax cuts for the most affluent." This trend also known as "Reaganism" prevailed under Clinton's Democratic administration, because he, in essence, "ratified" the idea, becuase he did not refute it.
In Bush's 2004 campaign, he was given huge contributions by wealthy indidviduals and corporations so that they could maintain their control of the government, i.e. a "plutocracy."(1)
This is what our government is becoming. This is the idea of disparity in wealth.
A USA Today article from 2003 also highlights this phenomenon. The article says that there was a "braod increase in stock ownership in the USA." People with stocks, with Bush's help, would not have to pay taxes on their dividends, making the wealthy, even wealthier.
The wealth gaps' widening may also have to do with the fact that the "lower-income and minority families are less likely to own assets-including homes-that have increased in value in recent years..."
So, if we don't try to control it, the disparity in wealth will increase more and more, and the big corporations and wealthy people will control the government. Will the poor people and the little business be spared? I think not.

(1)Borrowed from the USA Today article by Barbara Hagenbaugh "Nation's wealth disparity widens"-"Economists and government officials use the study to evaluate trends and to set policy. Its release comes as the debate heats up over President Bush's plan to stimulate the economy. The centerpiece of Bush's proposal is the elimination of taxes on stock dividends ppaid by individuals which Democrats say would be a handout to wealthy Americans."



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